anti-vibration-mount  Ender3v2  and CR10S4 types

anti-vibration-mount Ender3v2 and CR10S4 types


This is modified from, I found they failed after some years so I have buttressed the fail point on the sides and made the base thicker. For the ender3v2 the front mk1-ender3v2-front-squash-ball-feet.stl is as is. For the rear it has a 1.1mm cutout due to the PSU plate. If you cannot print that cutout well use the original and the 1.1mm spacer provided as an alternative orig-squash-ball.stl fits CR10S4 like printers Licence will be as per original owner's rights/wishes. BoM 2 x 20mm M4 SS allen head bolts. 2 x 4mm SS washers 12 x 5mm SS washers 12 x M5 2020 rail nuts 12 x 12mm M5 SS allen head bolts. 4 x blue dot squash balls 2 x front feet 2 x rear feet



