Electrician's Bushing/Spacer

Electrician's Bushing/Spacer


There are multiple files here, so start off with the single 2.5mm file as a test print, and work your way to the assorted kit if you feel they might be useful. If you do residential electric work, you know the sheetrock guys can make life challenging, and sometimes you need spacers for the outlet mounting screws (for example, when installing the receptacles in a kitchen after the sheetrock and backsplash guys have essentially increased the depth of your single gang boxes.) These screws are usually 6/32 (or 8/32 screws for some rounds, etc ,or old, previously-damaged boxes), and knowing which is important if you want an easy renovation in the future (or you can just send 'er with a sheetrock screw, if you hate America). These files give you the option to do all of the above, as they slide nicely over an 8/32 screw, or sheetrock screw, and fit fairly loose over the smaller 6/32.






