Prusa Mini Detachable Cooling Duct with silicone sock

Prusa Mini Detachable Cooling Duct with silicone sock


This is a variation of BoothyBoothy's awesome ["Detachable Cooling Duct Assembly V2"]( I observed that on my Prusa Mini Clone with default "original-ish" hotend the cooling duct was contacted by the silicone sock and sagged quite a bit, especially printing the first few layers without any fan active. I used PETG but heat transferred with direct contact is just too much. So I altered his duct and added 2mm clearance for the additional silicone sock on the hotend. I also flattened the fan duct 1mm to be compatible with bondtech-heatbreaks, as they seem to be a little bit shorter. Of course the air flow will suffer a bit as I had to add some inner walls when notching, but I think the impact should not be noticeable. His carriage mount will still contact the hotend but in my experience this is no issue as it is not really load bearing a its hottest point. Maybe I will upload an updated design later. If this is a perceived issue you can just file down the part contacting the silicone sock a little.



