Tusken Raider Helmet - 4 Part with Fan Ver 03
The Original Mask was Thingiverse Item 315764 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3157654 Numerous people printed THIS as https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4888297 but for some reason Thingiverse somewhat lost it. It is there but not searchable. Original file by dronkle, made October 15, 2018 I cut it in 4 pieces and put in FAN opening and a fan mount in the back as well as a ton of holes for lightening, as well as air flow. Small tiny holes along each seam are to allow you to rivet pieces for spacing in case your head is bigger. This is the first version: ALPHA - V01 - June 15, 2020 by Lee Richards DZ21128 of the 501st and SandFlea of the Rebel Legion. V03 - 3-27-2022 - Added a nose piece that can just fill the gap if doing the Tusken Chief from Book of Boba Fett. - Added a 60mm insert for the snout. After you wrap your thin snout leather through the hole, this will push down to help keep it in place. 3 TABS (top, right, left) to help glue or screw it in place. - Top back shell has more SPIKE landings. Also has a couple extra holes for air and added a bevel top and bottom to the 40mm fan holes. Front landing are labeled as CHIEF BACK as they are the back most locations for the Tusken Chief from Book of Boba Fett spikes. His spikes are much further forward than ANH and Prequel. - Added two versions of BoBF eye greeblies. Small one should be the standard size of PVC, others are a little bigger based off GRID measurements. Not 100% sure which will be approvable by 501st and Rebel Legion Yet. I have not printed it yet but several have used this shell via KraytClan.net as well as various Tusken Raider Builders Group on Facebook. I am absolutely new to 3D modeling but wanted to start a 2nd Tusken build with a 3D base.