MINI MAMMOTH Fairy Weight battlebot
This is a simple and relatively cheap Fairyweight battlebot.(probably going to be a little big for UK antweight) I had built this to be a loaner bot that I could give out without having to send my more expensive transmitter with the bot for them to practice with since it includes a basic 3 channel receiver and duel stick transmitter as part of the build. Parts list and build notes are included as part of the download. This is a N20 spinner flipper similar in design to the heavy weight bot MAMMOTH shown on the battlebots tv show. Total cost came out to about $60 for me but could be slightly more if you lack some of the tools that I already had or possibly less if you find better deals on the parts. NOTE: parts are not oriented in best directions for printing, works best to lay parts as flat as possible before slicing. please feel free to reach out if you have any questions. I also uploaded a Build video to help the visual learners out there: