Y-Column Replacement

Y-Column Replacement


This is a Gardyn Y-column replacement part that is modified to be 3d-printable without supports (as long as your printer can handle 50 degree angles and a standard benchy print). I designed this part with two intentions: 1.) To future-proof my Gardyn, as I have experienced many companies withdrawing support for older models and trying to force people into an upsell. 2.) To improve upon the model. Gardyn currently uses very thin ABS in their parts, leading to light pollution and algae growth. This part solves that, and paves the way for remixes and remodels that can improve the functionality of the Gardyn further (Larger reservoirs, a tighter latching system, more or less plants per square meter, upscaling of the pipes for more rigidity, inserts to prevent light pollution, etc) that will hopefully improve the base product even more. Note: This is a thing in progress, and has not been tested in an actual hydro setup yet.



