KP3S Titan (f103) + 3d Touch Marlin Firmware

KP3S Titan (f103) + 3d Touch Marlin Firmware


Like many others I wanted to check out the latest Marlin build ( as well as get away from the dated Kingroon firmware (3d touch implementation quite iffy). The bin attached is for KP3S with the Titan extruder as well as BLTouch (feel free to disable). Since I don't recommend blindly flashing a random firmware and hoping it magically works for you I am providing my configuration files as well. These are based on the Kingroon KP3(non-s or titan) example but I have manually updated them based on bdwilson implementation plus some personal touches: i hope these are helpful to others. I have also uploaded the STLs needed to rotate the stock display which can also be found here: Don't want to remove your screen? I don't either but don't know how to calibrate the touch. You can rotate the display 180 on line 2783 in the configuration.h file: (#define TFT_ROTATION TFT_ROTATE_180), but please let me know if you know how calibration works and I'll update it. The 3d touch mount STLs (And therefore offsets) are based off the latest Kingroon mount as seen here(Files attached or in description): I highly recommend watching this video before making edits or flashing: If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Just know, I'm not building custom firmware's here. Just sharing information the best way I know how. (Hint: Drop bin on root of sdcard, insert, power on, win?) Update 03/16/2022 (Update: 1): Small fix to some retraction values during parking and some other functions. Other small config updates too. Update 03/16/2022 (Update: 2): Defined PID_AUTOTUNE_MENU. This can now be found under Advanced Settings (250Bytes). I've left the PID_Edit_Menu out since it eats a huge 750bytes. Just use M301 or don't and let me know if it works lol. Note: This is built for the f103 board (Robin Nano). Would build for more but it's the only one I have available to test Wiring resource for using uart instead of legacy:







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