Cross Bow Press, (small cams)

Cross Bow Press, (small cams)


Cross Bow Press, (small cams) **PLEASE NOTE, DANGER** This press stores a lot of energy, you are liable for any injuries associated with this if you print it. Also note that if your bow comes free while compressed you should have it looked over professionally as this can damage your bow significantly. DO NOT USE WHILE STUPD, if you don't know if your stupid please ask someone. Fits my Barnette raptor well, Designed to accommodate most clamps of this variety. If you have specific clamp faces you want to match PM me. The Zip ties are not structural, They were just safeties when i first tried it out? Never know what's gonna happen the first time. To use this well more travel on the screw is advised. My current clamp compresses the limbs just enough to loosen the string. I just need more travel, time for a trip to the store.



