GPD win1 Re-case proto

GPD win1 Re-case proto


A re-casing project for the GPD win1 to allow the use of kailh mouse switches as my original microswitches wore out and have been unable to find a "common" drop in replacement. The uploaded version doesn't have a battery door or tray but some pieces to act as keep outs so you don't hit the analog sticks or fan. The fan speed slider has been relocated to the side of the device as well. Device still is pocketable after these adjustments if you want to modify it to be thicker for a bigger battery you will need to modify the files. should fit a 13mm tall by 46mm deep by 108mm wide battery but could fit a wider battery if you remove the speaker. note the picture of the printed part is a older model that is meant to use a LG g5 battery but its been getting harder an harder to find the little battery pogo connectors for them so I'm just uploading the variant that has no bay so you can fit whatever battery you want.






