Ender 3 Spool Roller
I tried a few of the fully printable filament rollers on here as I didn't like the way my cardboard spool was dragging on the holder. Alot of them had alot of supports and just didn't print or perform that well so I designed my own. This assembly consists of a Roller, Mount and Nut. All easily printed without supports.The only caveat is that it needs a shaft for the bearings to ride on. Worth it for how smooth this thing rolls. Things you will need besides the printed parts: 5/16 shaft. I used stainless steel but I'm sure pretty much any material will do. You will need a piece 5" long Ball Bearings. I used these: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07H83VV6B?smid=A1M1XJANTVG8PC&psc=1&linkCode=sl1&tag=wendlandtente-20&linkId=1a635290f72a2fb9c21a5b8eb5dd7026&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl Something to retain the roller on the shaft. I have access to a lathe so I cut a groove in the shaft and used an E-Clip. The easier solution is a shaft collar (https://www.amazon.com/Climax-Metal-C-031-BO-Collar-Plating/dp/B000P0QAG8?crid=XZI41FLS5N7Q&keywords=5/16+collar&qid=1647601699&sprefix=5/16+collar,aps,260&sr=8-3&linkCode=sl1&tag=wendlandtente-20&linkId=9ab7785b748c3ad35aeb7179c647941b&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl) Assembly instructions in the post-printing section