Qidi X-CF Pro Extruder Case Upgrade Celebrimbor

Qidi X-CF Pro Extruder Case Upgrade Celebrimbor


**Moved to Printables (Prusa)** https://www.printables.com/model/165717-qidi-x-cf-pro-extruder-case-upgrade-celebrimbor Higher quality prints, quieter operation and easier to use. These were the main goals for this X-CF Pro extruder case upgrade. It uses the existing hardware with the exception of the 30x30x10 heat block fan is replaced with a 40x40x10 fan. - The enhanced layer fan duct results in improved print quality. There is also much better visibility when printing small parts so you can check the first layer as it is laid down. - While the noise level on the low temp extruder is not much different because of the layer turbine fan, the high pitched whine from the 30x30x10 heat block fan is replaced by a much more tolerable hum from the 40x40x10. The larger and ducted heat block fan is not only quieter, but should also reduce the risk of filament jams and clogs. - The high temp extruder does not use the noisy layer fan so I used a 12V Noctua for the heat block fan. Much quieter, but requires a bit of soldering to shorten the wires and incorporate the 27 ohm resister: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009NQLT0M?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details - Swapping between high and low temperature extruders is much easier as the thumb screws are gone, there is no need to fiddle with the covers, and access to the ribbon cable is much better. Threading filament is also easier as there is direct access to the inlet in the mounting plate. I am calling this the Celebrimbor after the Middle Earth Elf who gained great renown as an expert craftsman and jewel-smith. This first model is referred to as the MK1. An enhanced PLA is sufficient for the low temp extruder, but it will not stand up to the heat when using the high temp extruder in an enclosed chamber. For the high temp I used eSuns PA-CF. The high and low temperature heat blocks are different shapes so there are two heat ducts to choose from. The High Temperature Extruder does not need the layer fan and associated duct, but just in case someone wants to try and print low temp filaments on the high temp extruder a duct that fits the DragonFly is included. Note that the heat block must be orientated such that the bulk of the unit is towards the back (see picture above). You will also need to get a silicone sock and a stainless steel nozzle if you want to try printing low temp filaments on the high temp extruder. Low temp filaments tend to stick to hardened steel nozzles. Without the sock the layer fan will not be able to overcome the heat from heat block. This heat sock was the best fit I could find, but still needs to be cut back a bit to fit the DragonFly. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08YF24GCZ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 For the low temperature extruder the limit switch stop is fasted to the the layer fan mount. Since the high temperature extruder does not have have a layer fan mount, there is just the limit switch stop. The Filament tower includes an insert that accommodates 4mm PTFE tubing. The insert can be replaced with a PTFE push fitting, but a push fitting is pretty much unnecessary and just adds to the hassle of changing filaments. The 4010 axial fan for the heat block cooling can hit the printer's steel frame. The Y-Axis touch pad goes on the right, front, end of the X-Axis bracket so that the limit switch is activated 4mm earlier. There are a few M3x5mm brass inserts and you will need a few M3 screws to put it together. You will also need a few thin fiber washers to protect the fan boards where they mount to the extruder assembly if PLA is used.



