Timed auto fish feeder

Timed auto fish feeder


UPDATE: I rewrite the code to use the built-in alarms of the RTC and then to put the Arduino to sleep when not in use. If you use this code, please ensure you set the Event Hours and Event Minutes to the next Alarm time of your current time. This will ensure the events and alarms are updated to set the RTC alarm to the next event. I tried to run this from 2 18650 batteries, but unfortunately, they just about last 24 hours. This is not enough :(. The LCD is now blank unless you press the button where it will wake the device and display the time, next even and temp. To use the new alarms and sleep, you will need to change the wiring: Swap the button and IR sender wires so the button is now on Pin 3. Wire the SQW on the RTC to PIN 2. This a remix of the auto fish feeder from pefozzy and the LCD display housing from shendriks. After searching several feeders, I found pefozzy's to be the best as you can print different sliders with different sized holes. As I have a nano tank, I only feed flake or micro granules, so the hole size had to be small. I also wanted to feed twice a day and in small amounts. The code has set times and will feed twice at each feed to give the fish a chance to eat before it all drops to the bottom. I have added an RTC as this keeps the time and also displays the ambient temperature. My tank has IR controlled LEDs, so I also wanted to add an IR sender to bring the lights up and dim them down at the start and end of the day. All of the events can be changed in the code and you will need to adjust the stepper delay to ensure you get the amount you need. The button on the side only lights up the LCD back light. I know the code isn't great, but I will be playing with that to improve it over time. When an event happens, the display will freeze as I have used delays. This is one of the changes I will make. I will also add an internal 18650 battery supply so I don't have a UBS cable across my desk. Please forgive the wiring colours as they are just the spare wires I had, so they don't follow any correct wiring i.e. red for power :( Parts required: Arduino Nano IR Sender LED LCD 16 x 2 9g Servo motor RTC DS3231






