CNC 1610 Improvements

CNC 1610 Improvements


This project contains 5 improvements for a 1610 CNC. These improvements were inspired by the following YouTube videos of JJ Hontebeyrie: *;=602s * **1\. Extrusion slot covers** I've used the following project to cover most of the extrusion slots: . Print the 100 mm long one and scale it in the slicer to get the length you need. **2\. Z-axis endstop** The sensor must be plugged on the Zen pins of a Woodpecker GRBL board. You will need the following material: * One EndStopZBumper.stl printed part * One micro switch. You can remove the one on a Makerbot style end-stop. * One M3 x 20 mm screw * One M3 x 5 mm brass insert * Some wire, terminated with Dupont female connectors at one end * Some Super Glue **3\. X-axis endstop** The sensor must be plugged on the Xen pins of a Woodpecker GRBL board. The red wire should be left unplugged. You will need the following material: * One EndStopXAxis.stl printed part * One Makerbot style end-stop along with the connecting wires * Two M4 x 12 mm screw * Two M4 T-nuts * Two M3 x 12 mm screw * Two M3 nuts **4\. Y-axis endstop** The sensor must be plugged on the Yen pins of a Woodpecker GRBL board. The red wire should be left unplugged. You will need the following material: * One EndStopYAxis.stl printed part * One EndStopYBumper.stl printed part * One Makerbot style end-stop along with the connecting wires * Two M4 x 12 mm screw * Two M4 T-nuts * Two M3 x 12 mm screw * Two M3 nuts **5\. Emergency stop switch** The sensor must be plugged on the A0 pins of a Woodpecker GRBL board. You will need the following material: * One EmergencySwitchHolder.stl printed part * One 12 mm in diameter normally open switch * One M4 x 12 mm screw * One M4 T-nuts * Some wire, terminated with Dupont female connectors at one end You will have to use the command **$21=1** to enable the limit switches. You may need to use the command **$23** if an axis does not go in the proper direction after doing a HOME command. For the printed parts, support material is not required. An infill of 20% is recommended. This object main web page is: This object was designed using Solid Edge Community Edition. You can request the source files on the page listed above.



