CR-10 V3 squash ball feet
I was looking for squash ball feet that I could use on my CR-10 v3 and came across the feet that bandou made. I printed one and found that although they would fit in 3 of the 4 corners, they would not allow the v3 to be high enough to clear the Left Rear plug box beneath it. I remixed bandou's v2 feet to make them taller. I also removed a side of one (Custom_LR_lowfeet_v2) so that it would clear the wiring near the control box at the Left Rear of the printer. This removes one of the mounting holes, but because of the design of these feet, it has no affect on fitment or security of the feet when they are attached. The overall height of the printer is about the same as when using the original feet that come with the printer; Possibly only about 1/8" taller. Finally, I enlarged the Mounting hole entrances so that the M5 washers would clear. The original design made for a very tight fit of the washers I was using. Modified note from bandou's description: During installation, it should be noted that the guides should be "press fit" into the 2020 profiles with a little effort or you may sand lightly with a file or sandpaper. This way the new feet already hold well without screwing them in. However, it is not recommended to leave out the screws. My Note: I used 220 grit sandpaper and just sanded the support side of the extrusions on each side. It only required light sanding. You can sand a bit and them bring them over to the printer to test fit. I used the double yellow dot squash balls. Here is an Amazon link: A total of 7x M5x12mm Allen screws with washers and M5 T-head nuts are required for assembly.