Motionsensor with D1 Mini with optional DHT11 (temperature, humidity)

Motionsensor with D1 Mini with optional DHT11 (temperature, humidity)


This is a case for a HC-SR501 motionsensor with Wemos D1 mini. There are two types of cases. The smaller one without a DHT11. Once the case is assembled it will snap into place. You can open it by pushing into the two extra holes at the back. In case you get false readings from the motionsensor, you may want to place an aluminum sheet between the motionsensor and the arduino. This will stop the interference between the HC-SR501 and the wifi antenna of the D1. Make sure to isolate the aluminum foil, I used a piece of paper for that. There is a example code and a compiled binary to use. The script uses wifi-manager and mqtt. After the flashing process, the D1 will open a wifi-access-point, where you can set your wifi credentials and mqtt topics. On default, the motionsensor will trigger in a minimum interval of 10 seconds. The DHT11 values will be send every 5 minutes. To get the example code visit HC-SR501: Datapin D7, Vcc 5V DHT11: Datapin D5, Vcc 3.3V






