Legendary Chest - Remastered
Hi all! Finally I got some time to finish the chests collection (the original chests were 4 but I didn't like one of them so now the collection is just 3 chests XDD). So here you have it, the last one and my new favorite one. As the other ones you can use the same lock mechanism, but the key needs to be a little bit longer. Also I've added a new key decoration for this chest. The chest is slightly bigger than the others but still fits a 20x20 standar printer. My recommendation is to print all at 70% if you don't want such a big chest. So, if you like it, would be great if you consider joining our patreon an supporting us to keep doing models like this one. <a href="https://www.patreon.com/makersanvilstudio"><img height="36" src="https://c5.patreon.com/external/logo/become_a_patron_button.png" alt="Became a Patron!"></a> Also, you can follow us on instagram where we will be uploading photos of our newest content and you can see the entire set of pieces, avaliable for all our patreons!! <a href="https://www.instagram.com/makersanvil/">instagram.com/makersanvil</a>