Alphen's Iron Mask - Tales of Arise

Alphen's Iron Mask - Tales of Arise


This is demo version of the files that are meant to show off all the details and can only be print as a single piece bucket. If you want the full version of the files and would like to see my full inventory, checkout this link. Major Features Simple, Two Piece Bucket Design Both the full and cracked versions of the helmet, comes in a simple front/back two piece design that is held together by 2 or 5 alignment keys. These keys allow for a perfect alignment of the front/back pieces for when you are ready to glue/weld the two halves together.The keys have holes that allow them to be removed as well allowing more surface area for glue. Sizing ring Like my other designs, this helmet features a smooth inner cavity and a sizing ring that allows one to know exactly how large to print the helmet. The sizing ring will only take 1-2 hours to print but will save you many hours in the long run. The sizing ring represents the throat of the helmet (the narrowest part of the helmet). This means that once you scale the ring to the point you can snugly fit it over your head, you know that the rest of the helmet will scale to that size and easily fit over your head. Personalized Commission This helmet was a design commission from a client. If there is a prop you would like to see me make, you too can email me about your design inquiry. Because I will sell the model on my website after the design, it will be cheaper than you think!






