Customizable door stop and catcher

Customizable door stop and catcher


Customizable version of "Door catch" by Exilles. **Don't use the Thingiverse customizer,** for some reason it is not rendering this properly. Open it in OpenSCAD locally for customization. Specify your desired length of the whole thing (for an even split between the two pieces), or each half individually. Individual lengths are from the base to the center of the circle/cylinder, so the total length will just be the sum of both lengths. Also set the overall height of the pieces, the size of each base, how thick the arms should be (1.2mm gives it a good bit of springiness for the grabber), and the gap between the grabber and captured cylinder. The defaults (STL included) are a good replacement for fairly standard household door stops (the metal springy kind) at 7.5cm long total. The default grabber_gap of 0 works like a normal door stop most of the time (bounces out, won't hold it open), but allows intentional capturing when you do want it help open. Can be attached by cutting a Medium-size Command Strip in half lengthwise and using one half for each part.






