Calibration Waffle

Calibration Waffle


This is a calibration part, to be used primarily to tune for skew and material shrinkage. Essential for any homebrew printers, but also can help tune any FDM style printer. Basic Instructions: Using calipers, measurements #1 to 10 should be taken referenced to the included png(3 samples each which are averaged automatically). Use the XY-axis arrows to orient the part correctly. The spreadsheet then uses formulas found in the Marlin firmware for skew correction and averages. Measurements should be very close to 50mm or 100mm, note that some measurements are taken with the outer dimension and some are inner dimensions. A chamfer is included on the model to attempt to eliminate elephants foot, but also be careful to measure on top of a defect like this. If your e-steps are correct, then the error on x and y should be due to material shrinkage as it cools. This compensation can be made in the "filament settings" section in SuperSlicer. Other slicers may format the shrinkage compensation differently so be careful! More info: The video that inspired me to model a calibration object like this was the calibration flower from Vector 3D who goes in detail how to use such an object. Not everyone has the money to spend on such a full and documented product and guide, so I spend my time to create a hacky workflow for others to use, modify, and share. I do not have the skill or resources to make such a guide so I made my object compatible with the instructions to limit confusion for those who can afford.



