Large Filament Spool Holder

Large Filament Spool Holder


Description #Hey there, this is a holder that is designed to hold large filament spools. In the base version it can hold spools with a diameter of about 40cm but you can also scale it up. It is designed to work with or without 608z bearings. If you want to use bearings you have to use metal ones. 3D-printed bearings deform in the holder. I've printed the holder with PETG and 15% infill which worked quite well. I haven't tried PLA or ABS but I expect that they will work as well. ##You need to print the following parts for the base version: 6x long_bar 2x short_bar 2x edge_connector_l 2x edge_connector_r 2x top_connector 1x roller / 1x roller_wo_bearings (The latter is a roller that fits the holder without bearings) #Building the holder: The parts are connected by placing one of them on a flat surface and pushing the other one into the connection from the top (see photo for reference). They fit together quite tightly so be careful to not pinch your skin. Wear gloves or use a board when you push them together. A pipe wrench can also be used alternatively. If you can't fit certain parts together you can also sand them a bit for a better fit. Take an edge_connector and connect it with a short_bar part on its long end and a long_bar part on the other. Be careful to place the edge_connector so that the part with the 30° angle is pointing up. Connect the mirror reflected version of the edge connector the long_bar part, connect the other short_bar part to the long end of the edge_connector. Proceed until you have a rectangle. Then connect the remaining long parts to the angled parts of the edge connectors. After that you connect the top connectors to the remaining connections. ##If you use the version with bearings: There are two grooves in each of the top connectors. Slide the bearings onto the ends until they fit the inner one of the two grooves. You can now push the roller into the connector until both bearings rest in the grooves. ##If you use the version without bearings: Just push the roller into the top connectors. #Scaling the model up/splitting the parts If you want to increase the height of the holder just scale up the length of the long_bar parts in your slicer. If the long_bar part is too long print two shorter versions and connect them with a mid_connector part. The mid connector part adds 3cm of length to the total. You could also scale up the width by scaling up the short_bar part and the roller but you may run into issues with the end of the roller not fitting as well any more.



