Ender 5 Control Panel Back Cover + Raspberry Pi 4 Cover
I saw this thing https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4588674 but looked for a model easier to print. So I remixed / merged the original control panel back cover and the original Raspberry Pi 4 bottom cover into one in a way that will enable a supportless print and also allow the Pi Case to be easily re-positioned or removed. Depending on the size of your USB cable plug, you may not be able to completely slide the blackberry behind the panel back cover. On the picture I did not completely slide in my Pi4 since my USB cable plug is a bit long. I added vents on top of the panel cover and also on back for the raspberry. This allows hot air from the Pi's back to leave through the top panel cover vents. A bit more clearance was added for the control panel cabling, at least for my Ender 5 Pro this was needed. The Raspberry Top Cover needs to be chosen and printed from the original model: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3723561