E3D Hemera Hermes ABL Sensor ($7 from an X1) clipon+secure mount. (cheap high precision autobed leveling)

E3D Hemera Hermes ABL Sensor ($7 from an X1) clipon+secure mount. (cheap high precision autobed leveling)


This is an Clipon ABL Sensor Mount for the Hemera/Hermes. You can secure it with a screw. But it holds without the screw. This sensor is a spare part from Artillery X1/X2/Genius... Costs 6-14 Bucks. Depends on cable lenght! Save money with a short cable... The precision is 0.0023 mm repeatable. Some times better then BL-Touch. Btw, this works only with this great (PEI) metalsheet on your Printbed. Height is adjustable. Fusion360 file is included. Its quick an dirty. But for your modification it is always better to have the working file, instead of an STL. The Sensor is straight in one line with the nozzle. And the best thing is, there is no need for a bunch of cables, like the BL-Touch has. Only 2 (two) cable are required. Gnd(blue cable), Vcc 5v(!)(brown cable), IO switch cable Ground (blue) is usually available at the print head. Simply install the Power lines to the Sensor and the switch cable (black) only, on the mainboard on a free Min / Max switch and tell your config what pin it is. thats not my part. But its easy to install, cheap, precise, needs only 2 wires, no servos, no moving parts. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Links (no affiliate): https://3dprintbeginner.com/sidewinder-x1-auto-bed-leveling-stock-sensor/ https://www.amazon.de/s?k=x1+endstop&__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=3TTXRW8AGO7IZ&sprefix=x1+endstop%2Caps%2C82&ref=nb_sb_noss



