Taurus 709 Mag +1 Extension

Taurus 709 Mag +1 Extension


Mag extension finger groove and +1 round for the 709 Slim or PT709. Installs like factory base plate. Issues this baseplate would need a dot of glue to keep it from shifting when its off the pistol. It won't fall off but will move due to the retainer is now lower than the mag frame. a simple small dot of removable adhesive like E6000 (removes from metal), placed on one of the groves will lock it in place but remain removable if needed. Infill should be 50 percent to 100% Shown in PETG on picture. Fits tight with 1 extra round. Designed for the 7 round mag to add 1 more. Printer brand: Anycubic Printer: Predator Rafts: No Supports: yes Resolution: 2mm Infill: 50 or higher Filament brand: sunlu Filament material: PETG or PLA



