Beer Boar

Beer Boar


This is a quick remix to use as a Beer Boar in Fantasy Football/Blood Bowl, specifically for those out there who have a Norse team but don't want to buy a whole new box just to get the new positional, and don't want to wait for the professional designers to do their thing. The "Beer Boar" is a quick remix of a few objects, mainly a boar by mz4250 and a beer barrel by Mait3D. I also added an elongated ring with spikes that I found in a search engine as "belt", but I lost the link, so if it's yours contact me and I'll give you credit. I printed this at 75% scale to match the approximate size of the boars in the game. Instructions (and my recommendation) is to do this on a resin printer, but if you get good results on an FDM, please add a comment about your settings!







Toys & Games