Chain Link - Wall Clock

Chain Link - Wall Clock


###Wall Clock - Chain Link: A small craft project First of all you'll need a High Torque Movement Mechanism Clockwork if you want to craft this wall clock. I bought this one from amazon: Description of the files: 1. Chain Clock Chassis: This is the chassis for the clockwork. The high torque clockwork with 30.5 x 13 x 2 centimetres dimensions will fit inside. I have printed mine in red with resolution 0.28 and infill 15%. Use support for this part. 2. Chain Clock Chassis Cover Plate: Just a cover plate for the chassis to have a color contrast to the chassis and to the numbers. I have printed mine in black with resolution 0.28. No infill, no support. 3. Pinion 12 Teeth: This is the chain drive. Connect the pinion as minute hand to the clock work. I have printed mine in silver with resoluton 0.2 and infill 15%. No support. 4. The chain links are made up of 3 files Chain Pin Link, Chain Link Cover and Chain Inner Link You will need 72(!) of each. I provide 2 comfort print sheets for this, so you can print 12 or 24 links at once. Think about whether you want the chain to be multicolored. I have experimented a lot with printable chain links. There are many chain projects on thingiverse. But none had the smoothness that I wanted. So I created this one. It runs smooth, but you have to seal the links with an iron. Printer settings for the chain links parts: resolution 0.2 with infill 80%. No support. 5. The Number Files: There's an STL for every number of the clock. I also provide a comfort print sheet with all numbers. Just click them on the finished chain. I have printed mine in orange with resolution 0.28. Infill doesn't matter. No support. Challenge accepted? Please upload your make! I made a nail to stick on for my clock: I have used the following Filaments: Chain Links and Chassis Cover Plate: GEEETEC PLA BLACK Chassis for the Clockwork: PRIMASELECT PLA RED (DULL) Pinion: GIANTARM PLA SILK SILVER Numbers: BasicFil PLA ORANGE ### info: this is a reup because my account got corrupted.






