MIDI I/O Lid for Toshiba Libretto 100CT
Add native MIDI to the Toshiba Libretto 100CT! This is super useful, particularly if your Libretto has a working battery, since it makes for an excellent MIDI diagnostic device, needing only TRS MIDI cables to test, analyze and playback MIDI data. Use with pure DOS and CMU MIDI Toolkit / Voyetra etc for max boot speed and power efficiency. Work in progress! I'm working on a pcb for this, to miniaturize the MIDI circuit & make space for a Molex Micro-D 9-pin for serial and hopefully a PS/2 port. This is a replacement lid for the hard drive compartment of a Toshiba Libretto 100CT or 110CT which accommodates 2 TRS jacks. By removing the drive housing on an mSATA to 2.5" IDE adapter board, there is suddenly a bunch of extra space inside this cavity, space which is ordinarily at a premium in this super compact computer. In the newly freed space, we can position some TRS jacks, wiring and a MIDI interface circuit! The OPL3-SA3 / YMF715 chip on the motherboard of this laptop is equipped with an MPU-401 (UART) interface on the ASIC and has pins for TX/RX (MIDI input and output), however these pins are not wired to anything, so this project aims to fix that and give the Libretto some native MIDI I/O. IMPORTANT NOTE: DO NOT simply wire the pins to the jacks!! A MIDI I/O board is critical to go between these. Just google "MIDI schematic" and many different configurations can be found.