Porter Cable PCB660DP Crank Handle Assembly Part# O5UX

Porter Cable PCB660DP Crank Handle Assembly Part# O5UX


Replacement Crank Handle Assembly for Porter Cable Drill Press PCB660DP Type 2. Part Number You will need to save the metal inserts from the original Crank Handle Assembly . This is the only way this replacement handle will work. I cut out the large metal insert on the damaged handle with a hack saw. I undersized the hole in the design so it could be heat pressed into the 3D printed part. I heated up the insert with a blow torch just enough to start to deform but not melt the plastic and set it in place by puting both parts in bench vice and cranking it down until it was in place. Make sure the set screw lines up with the hole for the set screw. You will also have to cut out the nut from the handle portion to re-use as well.







3D Printing