Fire TV Stick Remote - Mini Stand

Fire TV Stick Remote - Mini Stand


I love Fire TV Sticks. I have two. A 4K and a 4K Max. The remotes are great too. Hybrid radio and infrared, work with most AV equipment, simple but effective. BUT... The remotes were designed by the same people who designed fleas. They roll from side to side when you try to push edge buttons and they disappear into soft furnishings far too easily. Enter the Fire TV Remote Mini Stand. I designed something as simple (took me about 35 minutes) and lightweight (3g) as possible that would work with both generations of remotes, didn't require to be removed to change batteries, and gave the remote a bit of a Zool vibe too. (OK, only when printed in red) Printed in TPU with 0.4mm nozzle on an Ender-3 with Drivinator direct drive mod: You can change the print orientation to the other side (the one with the power cut-out) if elephant's foot makes the bottom edge uncomfortable against your hand when pressing the top of the navigation wheel. Mine IS printed this way, but the STL is the other way up. If you're dialled in for TPU, then stick to the default orientation!






