Geiger counter CAJOE with D1mini ESP8266 box

Geiger counter CAJOE with D1mini ESP8266 box


This box is meant to hold a CAJOE geiger counter circuit board with add-on D1mini. The D1mini is connected with just three wires: +5V, GND and D6-to-VIN (GPIO12). The CAJOE board has 'VOUT' erroneously labelled as 'VIN', so don't be alarmed by the D6-to-VIN connection. I am using ESPhome to measure the CPM (counts-per-minute) from the geiger counter circuit board. The J305 geiger-muller counting tube that is fitted on the geiger counter board does 153.8 pulses per 1 µSv/hour and ESPhome has a mechanism to recalculate that. ``` sensor: - platform: pulse_counter pin: 12 name: ${friendly_name} id: "geiger_counter" state_class: measurement unit_of_measurement: 'CPM' on_raw_value: - sensor.template.publish: id: radiation_level state: !lambda 'return x / 153.8;' total: name: 'Total Counts' - platform: template name: "Radiation Level" id: "radiation_level" unit_of_measurement: 'µSv/h' icon: mdi:radioactive accuracy_decimals: 5 ``` With the above YAML configuration, two sensors are available: the CPM and the measured radiation level in µSv/h. In the Netherlands, the RIVM states that "2.8 mSv/year is the radiation dose the average person receives". It stands to reason that every measured value above 0.32 µSv/hour should trigger a warning: ``` binary_sensor: - platform: template device_class: safety name: "Radiation Warning" lambda: |- if (id(radiation_level).state > 0.32) { // Value of 2.8 mSv/year is the radiation dose in The Netherlands the average person receives // which translates to 0.32 µSv/hour. Everything above is suspicious and thus warrants a warning // See return true; } else { // Value equal or below the normal level return false; } ```






