Fix this Bug!

Fix this Bug!


#To the Makerbot/Thingiverse Support Team This is a call for help and a protest against the Thingiverse portal, because the concerns of designers are ignored. There is a major bug in the things listings of the Thingiverse portal. Frequently things disappear from the popular desings listing and can't be found from anyone except the designer. The motivation of designers to publish things does not result from money, but from the success and popularity of their own designs and the participation and enthusiasm of the community members for these designs. It is extremely frustrating when this success is destroyed by a bug in the system and the support team does not respond to the desperate requests of the affected designers. Furthermore, the bug that has existed for some time is simply not fixed. ##Leave a Like here so that as many community members as possible become aware of this. Maybe this will create enough pressure so that the problem is no longer ignored. Thanks a lot! Here is an example of a "disappeared design":






