WiFi door sign
A case in three parts. The enclosure has slots for the Wemos mini tripler to slide into, along with a hole for a screw to mount the sign. There is another smaller hole and notch to route the battery cable in one of two ways, depending on whether you want the battery shield on the left or right. The case is designed to have the battery 'clip' snipped off and the battery soldered into the shield. The 'glass' part is optional and can be used with white/crystal filament to add a screen to the LEDs. You may need to glue this in each corner and around the main hole, but it should press fit too. Then the lid drops over the base entirely once installation of the boards and battery are complete and tested. Make sure the lid goes on the right way around by checking the USB port holes left and right at the bottom. The lid can be removed as needed, but there are a couple of friction strips on the inside edges. Sand these so that you get a perfect balance between the lid holding itself on the enclosure and allowing removal as needed. To see what to put in the case and code it, see; https://github.com/mkjustuk/Door-Sign