Ender3 /V2 235x235 Bed Cable Management

Ender3 /V2 235x235 Bed Cable Management


If have gone and wished you had a better and more straight Bed on your Ender3, Where flatness does not vary from time to time when heated, then there is no need to wait. Buy a 5mm "non-rolled" bed that is stable. Depending on which heating mat you choose, the cable is located differently, and requires a different type of cable management. I made this cable tray, on which you, no matter where the cable comes from the bed, could be zipped to the tray. It is stable and durable. Has the same height at the Bed adjustments as my Nozzle Auto Cleaning system. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5339404 For ender 3/5 you can buy both thicker bed and Silicone heated mat here: Bed and Heating Mat: "At PrintCore" https://princore.de/collections/neu-druckkbett-systeme/products/feingefraste-aluminium-guss-druckbett-platte?variant=33271380312163 https://princore.de/collections/neu-silikonheizmatten/products/2-silikonheizmatte-24v-220watt-215x215mm-ender-3-5-pro# Bed and heating mat: "At Landwehr" https://www.landwehr3d.de/shop/heizbett/praezisionsgussplatte-gebohrt https://www.landwehr3d.de/shop/heizbett/silikon235







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