DROK DC Buck Converter (step-down regulator) enclosure- longer

DROK DC Buck Converter (step-down regulator) enclosure- longer


With the original version, I found the supports for the lid were in the way when trying to get the converter into the enclosure, but I was able to get it in with some forcing. Unfortunately I then found that there wasn't room for me to get it in when I had wires coming out of the converter. I have made the case longer, to make it easier to get the converter into the case, and to leave room for the wires. I made the holes larger, as I am using grommets in them. The hole on the input side is larger than on the output side. Since I ended up having to remodel from scratch as I couldn't get Inventor to let me edit it how I wanted, I have included the new ipt fles, and I added some vents on the lid for fun.






