Snapmaker A350T Y Tilt Fix

Snapmaker A350T Y Tilt Fix


Why ? I noticed not long after purchasing the A350T that the bed had a slight tilt on Y. After bug finding, the main culprit is the center mouting on the linear modules. No support at all the ends of the frame on Y axis. Even if it is only a tilt of 1-3mm on ends, it can ruin your first layer badly with big prints. I've seen a lot of solution using heavy linear modules. I'm pretty sure they work fine, but I wanted something more lightweight than doesn't ruin the aestethic of the machine (call me dumb) The forces applied are not huge, even with the cnc. So I tried using a single rod guiding ends of the frame with linear bearings. It works great for me. Lets see how it behaves on the long run. Hoppefully this help others with the same problem.



