GMADE Spider 14 & 12mm HEX
So finding parts for the Gmade Spider was a PITA. the stock tires were dryrotted, and 40series tires were hard to find/expensive. so i wanted to run 12mm hex and hsp giant tires, but there were no 12mm hex drives for the spiders unusual drive-system. So i started to file down the hexes, but after halfway on one, a set of better used 40 series mudslingerz came up for sale, and i bought them. Now able to keep the stock 40 series rims, i needed 14mm again. d'oh! First ever Tinkercad project. Took 8versions, 9 if you count the one a much more skilled friend did, wich turned out ALOT better, but the tolerances were a little tight. the 14mm works, the 12mm version i chucked togheter, and havent tried since i only have 2.2 in 12mm. Printed in PLA, might benefit from PETG/ABS. i dont have it, so carrying a few printed spares in the pocket is what ill do.