Ender 5/5+ Sherpa Mini Direct Drive Extruder Mount

Ender 5/5+ Sherpa Mini Direct Drive Extruder Mount


A simple mount to attach a Sherpa Mini extruder to the stock Ender 5/5+ gantry plate. The stock spacers for the v-slot wheels will need to be pressed or hammered into the printed part before assembly onto the printer. Additionally, 2x M3 heat-set inserts are required to mount the extruder to the printed part (link to the ones I used is below, however other brand inserts may work). The Sherpa Mini extruder is very lightweight and prints quality is amazing on my custom designed printer. Information about the extruder is linked below. kits can be purchased or your can source parts and print/build it yourself. Heat-set inserts: https://www.mcmaster.com/94180A331/ Sherpa Mini Extruder info: https://github.com/Annex-Engineering/Sherpa_Mini-Extruder Let me know how it works for you! If you print this and put it on your E5 or E5+ please post a make :)



