Crius Rot8 rev1.1 ABLETON READY DIY Arduino Midi Controller
This is a DIY MIDI Controller based on the Arduino Pro Micro (clone) that consists of : a) 8 linear potentiometers b) 8 LEDs c) 3 momentary switches d) 1 Lcd Display 1602A e) 1 PWM Led Controller PCA9685 f) 1 Multiplexer HC4051 ***OPTIONALY*** g) 1 CUSTOM PCB I designed it so I can use it with ABLETON. (You can also use it with ANY other DAW you like) I also made a Custom Script for ABLETON that AUTO-MAPPS the Potentiometers with the Volume of the first 8 Tracks. (If the Script is not used you can map them MANUALLY with anything you like) The 3 Buttons are used for PLAY , STOP and RECORD The LCD Display is showing the percentage turned of each Potentiometer The LEDs DIM accordingly to the turning of the Potentiometer (controlled by the PWM Controller) You can find everything you need for this project at my website :