case for 5V usb relay

case for 5V usb relay


This is a small case to hold a 5V USB powered relay. I use it to turn on or off my fireplace via Google Home. If your gas fireplace has a wall switch, then there should be a power outlet under the fireplace somewhere. I plugged in a small wifi activated plug into it, then a cheap usb charger into that. then a short usb cable that goes from type a to type b connector. The type b end plugs into the relay, and then two wires go from the 'Normally Open' relat connector to where the wall switch connects (it is low dc voltage). When I tell google to turn on my fireplace, the wireless plug activates and closes the relay to turn on fireplace. Couple of picture show it wired into fireplace (no case installed) and the connectors that are use to logically replace the switch. I made the case to make sure no bare metal gets shorted out. I included my Openscad files but dont waste time with customizer for this.






