Ender 3 (2020/2040) filament runout sensor and filament guide combined

Ender 3 (2020/2040) filament runout sensor and filament guide combined


Anyone using a bed leveling probe on an ender conveniently now has an extra end-stop switch that can be converted into a filament runout switch and filament guide all in one. I know there are many other options out there, I wanted to design something myself for the fun of it. This uses a 625zz bearing to help make the filament move smoothly as it passes over the sensor. Most other designs that I have come across on thingiverse use the larger 608 bearing, or none at all. ----EDIT---- There are 2 different mounts for the sensor casing, the 1st is shorter and closer to the aluminum extrusion where the 2nd sits out further and higher in an attempt to be more centered with the filament spool. Personally, I didn't notice any difference in either being the better choice.... so, the preference is yours. I also included a testing version of the base, with this YOU MUST pause the print at layer 63 to insert the bearing before resuming. Once it resumes it will print a 1.2mm cap on top of the bearing to keep it stationary. While the original keeps the bearing in place, it still allows for a VERY SLIGHT (1mm) movement. THIS DESIGN WAS ONLY DONE SIMPLY BECAUSE I COULD, it has no added benefit other than the experience you can gain by adding in a pause.



