Assassins teapot v 3.5 - makos/makat dam demostration

Assassins teapot v 3.5 - makos/makat dam demostration


The assassin's teapot: it has 2 chambers, where by closing the inlet hole of one only 1 liquid pours; when closing the other hole the liquid in the second chamber pours. Slice it in a slicer and you will see the separating wall (including the spout). Steve Mould explains it a lot better: If you want to see the inner working of it better print in semi-transparent material or something very light and use a dark liquid on one side (like I did with orange filament and blue liquid). HOW TO USE: Example: Fill up: Use a funnel to fill or just cover one hole and yolo it in spilling some of the liquid. Pick up with one hand, cover the hole with your thumb and pour. Switch hands to pour the other side. My USE CASE for this is of religious nature: During the Passover seider (pesach seider) it is used do demonstrate to little kids how from the same vessels can be blood (dam) and water (based off the well known midroshim). Obviously I will explain to them the trick - the purpose is to enhance the communication of the history with a visual demonstration. [HERE goes SPEECH/WARNING about not using 3D printed items for food stuffs]



