Bioshock Statue
From Bioshock PC: This is the statue you see when you first go into the lighthouse and descend into rapture. The statue itself was pulled from the wireframe model in the Unreal engine, the base was created from scratch. For best results, print the base flat (horizontal) and print the statue vertical. The base should be printed with a brim to keep from warping and with supports, as the "wings" are slightly raised off the platform. The statue should have a raft to keep it square to the printing surface, supports are not <i>required</i>, although you may get a little stringing at the bottom of the hands as it bridges the gap. There is a 2x4mm hole in the center of the base for a small rectangular LED. This can be reamed out if you prefer to use a circular LED or a small incandescent lamp to illuminate it. To assemble, simply superglue the tab from the statue to the slot in the base. You may also want to put a drop on the underside of the arms where they intersect the base for added stability. To power it, I used a 2x D cell holder. which should power the 20mA LED I used for over a month continuously.