Scaled and Armed Gue'Ron'Vesa Soldiers

Scaled and Armed Gue'Ron'Vesa Soldiers


<h1>Get ready for some DOUBLE HERESY!</h1> These boys were only possible thanks to [El Mutanto's]( amazing designs! After lots of scaling around, mainly with the legs, which are really tall, I've managed to get them to be roughly the size of classic, *ahem*, 28mm super space soldiers. The boned-legs.blend file is what it says: the leg, properly scaled and with a simple bone armature to let you pose it however you want. The backpacks were a very simple conversion I made from El Mutanto's: I simply turned his' heavy2 and heavy3 upside down and added a vent grill. The grenade and comm-thingy were made from scratch in Blender, nothing fancy. **If you want them prime sized**, use them at 110% size, roughly an extra 3mm in height. **You can** go into blender and *"separate by loose parts"* to separate into torso/legs/arms/backpack/shoulderpads/head, so it shouldn't be too hard to move them around a bit if you want to further remix them This has **NOT** been tested/compared side by side with any official miniatures.



