3D printed braiding machine
In this video I build a 3D printed braiding machine. The braiding machine was recreated from old photos, from the early days of braiding machines. The braiding machine works really great. So far I have created about 50m of cord without any problems. The output is 42cm per minute. A 24V DC gear motor drives the machine. 6 bobbin holders are used. A bit tricky was the device for tensioning the single cords. But this works perfectly now. If you change the gear ratio, it is also possible to produce cords with a core. All parts are easy to print. Supports are included in the 3D models Check out my Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xj4MgT5iLL0&list=PL9Jzxu1vDldMNZdv_c5Pis4F-nQ77MFtc