Raspberry Pi 4 case for a touchscreen and an external SSD
I wanted to try using the RPi with an external SSD instead of a SD card so I designed this case to hold the complete setup which also includes a 3.5 inches touchscreen: touchscreen: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B076M399XX/ SSD Drive : https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32595324956.html The idea was to use the SSD as the base of the case, so I designed two files: support.stl, for mounting the RPi to the SSD using the existing mounting holes in the SSD and the case itself. The case is actually very simple, it is mounted to the SSD using its side mounting holes. Additional hardware needed: 4 M3x6mm screws for mounting the support to the SSD 3 M2.5x8 mm screws for mounting the RPi to the support 4 M3x4mm for mounting the case to the SSD side mounting holes I added a version of the case with a hole for a 25x25mm fan.