The Eggcellent

The Eggcellent


Ok, enough with the puns, let me introduce you briefly to my easter egg. I wanted to make something “bridgy” so I split the egg with 5 sweeping ribbons. I made it even more interesting perforating these ribbons with holes and making them assymetric. I then connected these ribbons with bridges. I was inspired by stringing tests and knew that you can place stuff on bridges. I made the bridges 2 layers thick to avoid sagging. So I then placed a bunch of flowers to top it all off. Not an easy task modeling this, let me tell you. **Printing instructions** Layer height: 0.2 mm To get the best results you need to slow down to avoid curling and cool the heck out of it. I also lowered the temps significantly running PLA at 190 degrees. I recommend to slice the model at bottom in slicer so you don't have to use supports and the egg stays upright this way too. You won't need to add supports to top, I had 3D printing in mind when modeling this. If you put a light underneath and put it close to the wall it can be beautiful shadow art. **Free download here:** Happy easter and cheers! Luke






