An accurate-ish .357 Hollow Point replica

An accurate-ish .357 Hollow Point replica


An accurate model of .357 Magnum hollow point round that I had on hand. Except for the actual projectile, casing wall thickness, and possibly the primer hole, my only reference was a single active round. Use for educating people about a specific round, checking for weapons mechanics soundness, reloading/gun training, and anything from between and more! You can buy me a coffee or two via I've spent quite a few hours on this project measuring and whatnot, and my mouth is parched. ;) EDIT I: MK II are a little bit wider on the casing and bullet (excluding the plate which holds the primer). Test printer MK I and they are a little bit on the thinner side, even though the measurements are 98% accurate but feel exactly like the bullet does, only calliper can spot the difference. Infil depends on the amount of stress you plan on putting on it. 20 for display ones and +40 on the ones used for testing. Material: PLA



