CVI Toy Stand

CVI Toy Stand


I designed this stand for my son who has CVI (Cortical Visual Impairment) so he could have a solid background to focus on the toys he responds to the most. I also wanted the option to either hold the stand or set it on a flat surface and still function properly. This design requires a lot of supports which take up a large amount of print time as well as material but I feel they are necessary as it makes the back side of the large circle much less rough if the child touches it. I thought about designing a square version that required much less supports if bridging wasn't an issue on your printer but decided against it as the corners would be sharp for smaller children who are able to interact with the stand more. The pictures of the printed stand are from a regular black PLA. I will be reprinting this in a matte black PLA to reduce the shine of the stand and increase toy visibility. From the perspective of the stand sitting by itself the dimensions are as follows: Smaller circle/handle: 7 cm diameter, 3 cm height Large circle platform/background: 13 cm diameter, 1 cm height Rectangular platform/background: 8 cm length, 7.5 cm height, 0.75 cm width






