Dragon Egg with Threads - Extra Large 300 Percent Size

Dragon Egg with Threads - Extra Large 300 Percent Size


Please hold off on downloading this. There is an error that I need to fix. For now, use my original egg for scaling at any size. A Thingiverse user let me know that when printing my Dragon Egg at scales of 300 percent and higher, the nubs in the top and bottom halves will not line up. This modified version should take care of this issue. It is scaled at 300 percent of the original, but you can change the scale to higher and lower. I should note that this is highly experimental, and I have not tried it yet. Caveat emptor. The original egg scales fine at 150 percent and 200 percent. Somewhere between the 200 percent and 300 percent marker is when you'd want to switch to this one. I'd be much obliged if anyone wants to test and let me know. See my [original dragon egg](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5343146) for more info.






