E3D Toolchanger Basic Purge/Wiper
Basic Wiper/Purge tray. Each side requires 2x M6 Bolts and T-Nuts to attach to frame. Then use the silicone blade from a glass/car cleaning wiper like this, removed from the handle and cut to length. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00NLGK8OI Only 1 of these is required to make both sides. Set the height of the bucket on the frame so the wiper just brushes past the tip of the nozzle as you remove it from the docking pins. Move the (move out) command at the end of tpre(x).g for each tool to the end of the matching tpost.g file. and then remove all x-y axis movement commands from the purge.g file. Tool will heat up in the dock and purge filament into the tray before moving out past the wiper as it undocks. Make sure you remove the movement commands from purge.g, otherwise you'll likely get a tool crash.