Thien baffle

Thien baffle


###I have been using the cyclonic separator with the MPCNC but: 1. It takes up room in the box and i keep adding more stuff so i had to evict it 2. I also hated that my current mini-shop vac when i used for non CnC stuff would go straight to the filter. 3. The filter on this vacuum is a nightmare when you crack the seal. The dust bunnies break free of their prison running to their corners and undo a good amount of vacuum work. So I saw the [Thien Baffle]( and had to give it a try. My first attempt was shameful because i used to thick of wood, the gorilla glue got away from me and then i shattered the plexiglass many times. As i was contemplating life, i realized my printer bed is just big enough to print the whole thing. The angry Red War Dalek was born ready to take on all inferior dust bunnies. I had a 100% removal of all air soft balls on my test and when I went to clean up all the plastic left over from the cleaning not a bit was found in the filter. Sucess feels good man. If anyone spots this in the wild from the [Thien forum]( please say hi for me. Did not feel like creating another forum account but defiantly credit where credit is due to you guys. I added all the fancy features since on a 3D printer it is easy. I also really only used like 1.5kg of plastic at 15USD that not a bad deal (includes my filter top).



